Leaders from India

Shekhar Mehta

President 2021-22

Shekhar Mehta, of the Rotary Club of Calcutta-Mahanagar, West Bengal, India, is the President of Rotary International for 2021-22. Mehta acknowledges that current membership trends are a challenge and says that membership development should be Rotary’s highest priority. He believes that focusing on regional plans, successfully transitioning Rotaractors into Rotary clubs, and increasing diversity and female members could yield a 5 percent net growth in membership each year.

“A major brainstorming is needed to find effective solutions suited to different areas of the world,” says Mehta. He adds that regional ethos and culture have to be taken into account to find localized solutions, as “one size does not fit all.” He believes Rotary can extend to new geographical areas and countries.

As a strong proponent of Rotary’s strategic plan, Mehta says he will encourage clubs to use action plans and reinforce the core values of Rotary.

Mehta says Rotary needs to become more contemporary and adaptable by focusing on partnerships with governments and corporations, expanding partnerships with organizations that specialize in Rotary’s areas of focus, and investing in technology.

Mehta, an accountant, is chair of the Skyline Group, a real estate development company he founded. He is also a director of Operation Eyesight Universal (India), a Canada-based organization.

Mehta has been actively involved in disaster response and is a trustee of ShelterBox, UK. After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, he helped build nearly 500 homes for families affected by the disaster.

Mehta pioneered a program that has performed more than 1,500 life-changing heart surgeries in South Asia. He is also the architect of the TEACH Program, which promotes literacy throughout India and has reached thousands of schools.

A Rotary member since 1984, Mehta has served Rotary as director, member or chair of several committees, zone coordinator, training leader, member of The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers, and district governor. He is also the chair of Rotary Foundation (India).

Mehta has received Rotary’s Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Awards.

He and his wife, Rashi, are Major Donors and members of the Bequest Society.

DR. Mahesh Kotbagi

RI Director 2021-23


A Doctor by education and profession, an Entrepreneur by nature, a adventurist ,nature lover & globe trotter by passion and a Rotary leader by achievement, RI Director-elect Dr.Mahesh Kotbagi presents a unique fusion of capabilities and talents.

Born to a family of freedom fighters and doctors . His father, inspired him from a very young age, to combine his professional life with social service.

An M.D in Gynaecology from Pune University a past member of Senate and Hon Professor in many management & medical colleges .

Dr.Kotbagi dedicated himself to the ideal of Low-Cost Health Care. He set up a small hospital in 1991 which grew into large multi speciality hospitals , with ISO-9001-2000 certification . He went on to serve as a consultant for the development of many low-cost healthcare hospitals. He set up the Chinmayi Medical Foundation Charitable Trust to support low cost health care services and support children for Education.

He was invited to join the Rotary Club of Pune Sports City in 1995 and served as youngest District Governor of RI Dist.3130 in 2005-06. Since then his rise in Rotary has been meteoric. He has done justice to the full range of Rotary assignments, including RI President’s Representative, International Training Leader, Chairman South Asia Literacy Summit , Co Chair /Vice Chair of many Rotary Institutes and Summits . He is the pioneer of implementing Technology and AV Conferences in many Districts , Rotary Institutes and Summits in Rotary India .

His current responsibilities include Chairman - GETS -Governor Elect Training Seminar 2020, Co-Chairman - RILM -Rotary India Literacy Mission, Chairman Technology - Rotary Institute 2020 and Trustee in Rotary India Humanity Foundation.

His command over the English language, excellent presentation skills and a sharp sense of humour have made him a much sought-after speaker at various Rotary fora. He is also an accomplished writer. He has researched and written on subjects like District Rules and Procedures, The Rotary Foundation Hand Guide promotion , Rotary International Youth Exchange Hand Guide promotion. , Published Audio / Video Films on Rotary subjects , Global Matching Grants / Competitive Grants / 3 H Grants.

He is a deserving recipient of Rotary’s ‘Service above self Award’, TRF’s ‘Citation Of Meritorious Service’ and the Polio Plus Appreciation Award.

Dr.Mahesh is a Major Donor Level III and Benefactor.

Dr. Mahesh is happily married to DR Amita who is also a Past President , Past Assistant Governor , Trainer in many Rotary forums and a member of Rotary Club for more than 20 years . His daughter DR Chinmayi is Radiologist and another daughter Miss Sana is pursuing her college education in Science .

An unusual facet of Dr.Mahesh is passion for bike-riding , car rally’s and his close association with Harley Davidson and BMW Motorad . He loves backpacking across the world and believed in taking what the poet Robert Frost calls ‘The Road less travelled by’ …..

Rtn.A.S.Venkatesh (Venky)

Director 2021-23

An engineering graduate from the prestigious IIT, Madras, Rtn.Venkatesh did his post graduation in Business Administration from IIM, Ahmedabad. Entered the business of civil construction at the age of 23 and is currently heading an organization employing over 1400 people.

A member of Rotary club of Chennai Mambalam, he was its president in 2001-02, and the youngest District Governor of RI Dist 3230 in 2007-08. He was Rotary coordinator for the period 2010-2013 for Zone 5 covering South India, Sri Lanka and Maldives .

He has been a trainer for all DGEs at International Assembly at San Diego for 2 years as well as a trainer for all Coordinators from around the world at Chicago for three years (2014-2017) . He has addressed over 50 PETS and several district assemblies and conferences besides being a president’s representative at six conferences both in India and overseas

He is a Level III Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation with a personal contribution of over USD 50,000 and all his family members are Paul Harris Fellows.

Rtn.Venkatesh has attended over ten international conventions. He was joint secretary and national executive committee member, Rotary India Literacy mission. He was also chair for South Asian Reception at Montreal Convention and at Seoul Convention. He represented D3230 in Council on Legislation COL 2016.

He has been elected Rotary International Director for the period 2021-2023.

He is a keen Bridge player and loves travelling. He is married to Vinita, also an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad. The couple have two daughters.


Gulam A. Vahanvaty

Trustee 2018-22

Gulam A. Vahanvaty joined his family’s scrap processing and ship-breaking business and later diversified into other enterprises. In 1978, Vahanvaty traveled to Indiana as a member of a Group Study Exchange, which he describes as “a life-enhancing experience” that made him want to join Rotary.

A Rotarian since 1979, he oversaw a record contribution to The Rotary Foundation of $654,000 as district governor. He has also served Rotary as regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, committee chair and member, and training leader.

Vahanvaty has received Rotary’s Service Above Self Award and the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service and Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award. He and his late wife, Haseena, are Benefactors and Major Donors to the Foundation.

Rajendra K. Saboo

Past RI President 1991-92

Rajendra K. Saboo is Chairman of Saboo Business Group which includes Kamla Dials and Devices Limited a leading manufacturer of ornamental watch dials and watch components, Saboo Coatings Limited manufacturing specialised lacquers and surface coatings and ETHOS, high-end watch retail boutique chain.

Having joined Rotary Club of Chandigarh in 1961, he continues to be a member and past president of Rotary Club of Chandigarh. He has served Rotary International in many capacities and to name a few of his formal positions, he has been District Governor, Chairman and/or member of various R.I. Committees in different years, International Assembly Discussion Leader, R.I. Director, R.I. President, Chairman of The Rotary Foundation Trustees and Trustee of The Rotary Foundation.

Saboo is Past President of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the premier business and industry association of North India. He is also a member of the Managing Committee of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). He is associated with many other trade and industrial associations as Committee Member or Special Invitee. He has been founder Chairman of CII (Northern region), and Chairman of All India Manufacturers’ Organisation (Delhi and Punjab Chapter).

Since 1998 he has been serving hands-on as volunteers in Rotary Medicare projects in Africa, and has worked in Uganda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zambia & Malawi, Swaziland, Cambodia, Madagascar and Lesotho.

“Padma Shri” Award, was conferred upon Mr. Saboo by the President of India in March, 2006. During 2005, he had been conferred a Degree of Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) by H.N.Bahuguna Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttrakhand. During 2007, he has again been conferred a Degree of Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) by Panjab University which is the fourth oldest University in India He has been recipient of several honours, recognitions and awards from Rotary and non-Rotary organizations.

Kalyan Banerjee

Past RI President 2011-12

He has been marshaling his energies for Rotary since 1972, when he joined the fledgling club in his hometown of Vapi, India. Around the same time, the young chemical engineer was starting up a small company to produce red phosphorous, an essential ingredient in fertilizer. Under Banerjee’s leadership, United Phosphorous Limited blossomed into the largest agrochemical manufacturer in India. And Vapi, due in no small part to the work of the local Rotary club, has been transformed from a sleepy village into a major industrial center in Gujarat State.

Over the last four decades, Banerjee has served Rotary as a district governor, president’s representative, committee and task force chair, Rotary Foundation trustee, and director. He also has been a member of the International PolioPlus Committee, heading up initiatives that have spurred Rotary’s polio eradication efforts in India.

Now, almost to his own amazement, Banerjee is the organization’s 101st president and the third from India.